Year 11

Easter Revision Opportunities

Last year we ran three very successful revision days in the Easter holiday, and we are doing the same again this year. Places will be limited so it is important to sign up early for these sessions.  

These days will start at 9am and end at 3pm. Students do not need to wear uniform, but will need to bring food and drink as the canteen will not be open.

The English and Maths revision will be run by a company who focus on the Exam technique and how to do well in the exam. Last year this made a real difference to those students who attended. This is their website GCSE Support Impress Education:

7th April Maths Revision Day (two groups - one at grade 7+ and above and one aiming for grades 4, 5 & 6)  

8th April English Revision Day (two groups - one at grade 7+ and above and one aiming for grades 4, 5 & 6)  

9th April Science Revision Day to cover Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

If you would like to apply for a place on these sessions then please complete this form.

Don’t forget to sign up for Super Saturday taught sessions here:

Supporting Y11s (including preparing for exams)

Year 11 can be a daunting year for students parents and carers. We aim to provide the support and opportunities to make Year 11 successful and a straightforward as possible.  

As we approach the final set of mock exams and then the real exams we have a lot of support in place for Year 11.

This page will detail some of that support.

Mock Exams

It is vital that your child revises well for the mock exams. Revising for mock exams is a crucial part of preparing for GCSEs and BTECs as it helps students become familiar with the exam format, identify areas for improvement, build confidence, and develop essential exam skills. It's a valuable tool for both students and teachers in the preparation process. By not revising for these exams, students will be at a disadvantage when it comes to the real exams in the summer.

The final set of mock exams will take place from Monday 24th February. Students will have their mock timetables given to them around 2 weeks prior to the mocks taking place and a copy of the general timetable is available on our website here:  Exams Information

Support Available in School 

In school, we follow a programme of events designed to help students to know what they should be doing at each stage of their preparation.

For more detailed information about the support in place, please see the monthly letters at the bottom of  this page.

Preparing for Success Evening  

The next set of mock results will be given out to students during the day on Thursday 27th March and you are invited to the Preparing for Success Evening from 5.00pm until 6.30pm with your child scheduled for that date. There will be a programme of speakers who will discuss the best ways of improving in the final few weeks before the real exams. Further details about this event will be sent near the time.  

We are currently planning our intervention day for Thursday 27th March. Students will be provided with a programme of focused and intensive intervention that will help them to improve significantly.  


All students should have a revision timetable that they are following. We would advise having a copy at home where everyone can see it. I have made it clear to the students that having rest days and breaks is very important, along with working on a variety of subjects each week. I have put some videos on study techniques on our website that will help students to use their revision time effectively. Please encourage them to use these videos.  

Top tips for Revision can be found here: How to Maximise Your Progress - Top Tips

We also have a parent guide to revision techniques: Parent Guide to Revision

Revision Sessions

Super Saturdays

Super Saturdays have been a terrific success with over 30 students regularly taking part and revising in a relaxed, warm and purposeful atmosphere each Saturday from 9.00am to 12.00pm.

After half term we will start these sessions again and they will focus on specific subjects. The programme is in the table below. Students can still come to do their own revision, but the subject sessions are very valuable.     

To take part in Super Saturdays please sign your child up by completing the form here: Super Saturday Sign Up Sheet

Intervention Days in the Holidays

We are arranging some revision days in the Easter holidays to help students to revise. These dates are yet to be confirmed but are likely to be in the week beginning 7th April. Once the dates are confirmed we will write to parents confirming the arrangements.  

Summer Exams and Leaving Dates

The summer exams will run from early May until June 26th. The exam boards have contingency days that they use if they need to move an exam for any reason. Exam boards have stated that all students must be available up to and including Wednesday 25th June 2025. This is in case any exams have to be rescheduled for unforeseen reasons.  

Some subjects such as BTECs, Drama and languages have exams before these dates for orals and performances. It is vital that all students attend their exams on time and fully prepared.  

The Year 11 official leaving date will be Thursday 19th June and all students must attend every day up to and including Thursday 19th June. There are some exams after this date that students must attend, however, students do not need to attend lessons after Thursday 19th June.  

The Year 11 Prom is happening on Thursday 26th June at Fakenham Racecourse.  

The Fakenham Sixth Form Induction Day in on Thursday 3rd July and successful applicants to the Sixth Form will be informed of the details in due course.

Exam results will be published on Thursday 21st August and will be available from 9.00am in the school hall and you can then enrol at Fakenham Sixth Form from 9.00am. 

Important Dates For The Rest of Academic Year 2024-2025

Year 11 September 2024 Letter

Yr 11 October 2024 Parent Letter

Parent Guide to Revision

Year 11 Parents information Evening

Year 11 February Letter 2025

Year 11 Letter 26 February 2025