Year 9

Year 9 Parent Information

In Year 9 students will personalise their curriculum by choosing some of the courses they will study in Year 10 and 11.  

To ensure that all students can compete for university places, apprenticeships and career opportunities, all students will study: 

Core (English Maths, Science, Learning for life and PE),  

Entitlement which is a Humanities subject (Geography or History) and a Language (French or Spanish) 

Personalised Choice of other subjects. Students will be able to pick both History and Geography subjects if they want to, as well as both languages if they want to.  

At all stages staff will be on hand to answer questions and give guidance. By following this process we are sure that all students will have a more personalised and appropriate curriculum at Fakenham Academy, leading to more and varied opportunities in the rest of their lives.

Year 9 Guided Choices Letter 2025

Guided Choices Booklet 2024-25

Pre decision information  

Thursday 14th NovemberCareers day in school.  

Thursday 21st November  - Year 9 Parents’ evening in school with teachers from 4.30 to 7pm.  

Report in November and January.  


Stage 1 - 30th January 2025 

Careers information guidance and advice evening on Thursday 30th January  

Students will follow a programme of Advice and Guidance during Enhancement time. 

If you would like to attend this event please use the following link: Year 9 Choices Event Sign Up


Stage 2 - 30th January  to Friday 7th  February   

Survey to find out what course students are interested in us running.  


Stage 3 - Monday 10th February to Friday 21st February   

Making your choices via an electronic form sent to all Year 9 students via email.   


Stage 4  - by the end of April  

Receiving your offer by letter.  


Stage 5 - by the end of May  

Discussion with Senior staff to finalise the courses you will follow in Year 10 and 11.